Session 2: Designing Commercial Office Towers for the Modern User

Anthony Scacco
Riverside Investment & Development, Chicago

Jim McCaffrey
Senior Vice President
Howard Hughes Corporation, Dallas
Considerations for the development of the office space at 110 North Wacker Drive are referred to as a case study in order to explore the relationship between commercial real estate and fundamentally driving the user’s access to talent. Key design considerations and decision-making for commercial office towers in a dense urban setting are reviewed through subject matter that focuses on the goals that are common to modern office users. The implications of these goals on the design process of high-rise buildings are discussed thoroughly, including matters of enhancing branding and identity; enhancing recruitment and retention capabilities; optimizing space efficiency and lease economics; encouraging collaboration; adopting new technology standards and addressing the growth and flexibility needs with respect to uncertain economic conditions.
Each of these goals necessitates careful thought by the users, (relative to the premises design) and by owners, insofar as planning and infrastructure decisions can serve to limit—or enhance—the opportunities on which users can capitalize. The rate of technological advancement facilitates innovation, yet requires constant monitoring and updating of best practices. The user’s premises designs are largely dependent on the core and shell planning decisions made by owners. Ultimately, the “optimal” building designs originate based on a deep “inside-out” focused dialogue between owners and users.