Monday 28 October 2019

The first afternoon of the Congress was dedicated to half-day workshops on specific, topical themes. These workshops were hosted at the Congress venue, Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel. The purpose of each workshop was to:

  1. Establish the most salient issues, challenges, and trends
  2. Develop recommendations for standardized methods and establish criteria for categorization
  3. Create or expand a CTBUH International Committee on the subject
  4. Work towards the production of a CTBUH Technical Guide

2019 Workshops:

Envelope Performance

Kindly Sponsored by

Interior Spaces

Kindly Sponsored by

Smart Solutions

Kindly Sponsored by

Steel Advances

Kindly Sponsored by

Tall Building Structures

Kindly Sponsored by

Vibration Control Systems

Kindly Sponsored by

Wind Engineering

Kindly Sponsored by

Day 1: Monday 28 October 2019 - Chicago Day 2: Tuesday 29 October 2019 - Chicago Day 3: Wednesday 30 October 2019 - Chicago Day 4: Thursday 31 October 2019 Days 5 & 6: Friday 1 November 2019 - Saturday 2 November 2019 - Regional City Programs
Chicago Off-Site Programs First Skyscrapers | Skyscraper Firsts