29 October 2019
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

The speed of development in contemporary Asian cities has recently been tempered with a greater attention to the quality of the overall urban experience, and this is reflected in three key developments in very different markets. Hong Kong’s Victoria Dockside complex represents a new kind of hybrid neighborhood, with an emphasis on indoor vertical transportation and outdoor terraces, its master plan paves the way for future developments focused on lifestyle placemaking. Comprised of reclaimed land, Shenzhen’s Qianhai District aspires to enhance human connectedness and is becoming a progressive model for future cities. Its Fengtou Tower is a new high-density structure that reimagines the modern office tower from a sustainable and social perspective. Meanwhile, the old oil city Baku, Azerbaijian, has been transforming into the Caspian’s new hub of high-rise buildings and lively culture, preparing for its new role as a world city.

Session Chair: Jiaqi Qu
Associate Director, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Shanghai
Ralph C (Forth) Bagley
Managing Principal, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, New York City
Hi Sun Choi
Senior Principal RET, Thornton Tomasetti, Inc., New York City
Kai Sheng
Founder and President, AKAIA Architecture, New York City