The Steering Committee for the 2019 CTBUH 10th World Congress convened to review updates on the plan for the upcoming Congress.
CTBUH CEO Antony Wood updated the Steering Committee on the World Congress's program, which now includes new local off-site programs and an updated Call for Abstracts.
Steering Committee members participated in a discussion after CTBUH CEO Antony Wood's presentation.
February 21, 2019

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CHICAGO – The Steering Committee for the 2019 CTBUH 10th World Congress convened for its second session on 21 February 2019, at the Chicago Architecture Center (CAC). In this session, CTBUH CEO Antony Wood provided updates on changes to the basic plan for the World Congress, to be held in Chicago from 28 October to 2 November 2019.

Wood announced that the program on Thursday, 31 October will be slightly different from the original plan. That day will now be split between local off-site programs around Chicago and three symposia, taking place in the conference venue at the Radisson Blu Aqua Tower. These will include First Skyscrapers: Skyscraper Firsts on the history and major milestones of tall buildings; a tall-timber-focused symposium, and a third yet to be determined. In addition, a separate Call for Abstracts will be issued shortly for the theme rooms on 50 Forward | 50 Back, and The Now. Wood encouraged Steering Committee members to both respond to themselves, and encourage others in their networks to respond to these calls.

Congress abstracts were due on 30 January, and the first layer of review is being performed by the Steering Committee, with a second round performed by the Expert Peer Review Committee. The Steering Committee took this opportunity to air general feedback about the process and the quality of submissions received. Wood asked the Committee to also consider that some of the accepted abstracts would continue on to become papers in a Congress Proceedings book, as well as become presentations.

It was also revealed that, for the first time, a CTBUH conference would be supported as part of a sponsorship package by a mobile application , with individual customizations and notifications available well before the start of the Congress.

Wood also highlighted opportunities for the Committee to get more involved in the Congress planning, including identifying a venue for, planning and/or hosting a VIP opening-night networking event; an off-site program venue; and/or a workshop subject, venue and potential sponsor or host.

An update on Regional City programs, to take place on Friday 1 November and Saturday 2 November, was also provided by Wood. It is expected that three cities will participate, with New York City and Toronto confirmed, and Seattle a likely third location, Wood said. He also noted that the Council is planning three additional “Lead-Up” events in advance of the Congress, beyond the Leaning Out and Looking Back with Les Robertson event that took place later that same day, building on the overall Congress themes. These would likely take place in April, June, and August. Wood asked for conference participants to submit ideas and volunteer connections and potential venues.